So today is my 27th birthday and I just want to thank God for blessing me with another year. This year has been filed with a lot of change, loss and etc but God is still good no matter what. One thing though is I'm still trying to figure things out even at this age and that is okay. There are a lot of things I can improve on and want to shed light on those things.
The first thing is communication. I always feel like I don't have to explain myself to anyone and do whatever I want but there comes some times in which I absolutely need to communicate better. I sometimes shut people out and don't explain why and I need to improve on that. The second thing is managing my money better. I have always been good at managing my money, saving, paying my bills on time etc but I do need to do better when it comes to spending. I consider myself a smart spender for the most part when it comes to things that are not necessities but when I start spending on other things I just don't stop.
Nothing wrong with spoiling yourself at times which is normal but I think a proper balance is needed. The last thing is being there for my family. For the most part I'm there as much as I can especially due to work and not being too close to them by distance but I feel like I can improve and get better at spending more time with them. My family has gone through a lot this year and we are all doing the best we can which is important but any form of support is needed and I want to do my best to do that. Now this is not a lot to be honest but all I can say is the journey is different for everyone. It is okay if you are older and still trying to figure out what direction in life you want to take or where you're going.
Life is not easy to be honest and we just have to do the best we can and be patient with ourselves. We also have to let go of the need for control because it is not realistic. Lots of things happen in life that we have no control over which is okay but as long as we are trying our best on what we can control that is all that matters. You may have thought you would be in a different position at this point in your life and even if you are not just know that God has the plan and we just have to trust him.