I was recently talking with someone at work and we were talking about life and everything that goes on. He talked to me about being an active patient and still in recovery from drugs and his mental health. He talked about still taking medications and others and while having this conversation he asked me if I was a patient and I told him I wasn't. I have never had any mental health diagnosis or at least any I know off and have never taken any psych medications. I have never even talked to a therapist or anything like that due to me having a good self-care routine to deal with things but that doesn't make me more special than others. Anyway after telling me this he made the statement of "I guess you're what we consider normal" and that had me thinking.
To me I am far from normal and have some things I do which may not be normal but what he was saying wasn't wrong. In his definition or through the lens of what he was talking about I'm what is considered normal. It had me thinking because there are a lot of different definitions on what may be considered normal for each person. What one may see as normal is different from the next person. It is also a way to bring awareness of not putting ourselves in a box or putting labels on who we are because we all need some form of help. None of us are perfect and even though I may not be considered a patient, that doesn't make me more special than anyone else.
I did a little case study and asked some close friends what their definition of normal was when it came to us human beings and I got different reactions as expected. Each answer was different for each person and to me there was no wrong answer. After this I asked each person if they felt they were normal and the responses were interesting. Most of them felt they weren't but their measurement of it was different. Some felt they were normal but "we all have our weird thing" which is true. I think what I am trying to say is we shouldn't put a label on ourselves and the world on who or what is considered normal. The initial person I talked to about this also made the statement of "As long as we are nice and try our best that is what matters" and I think he is right. As long as we go about our day doing what we can to make a difference and being good to those we come across is all we can control.