"All profound things and emotion of things are proceeded and attained by silence". In an effort to find more silence in my life I decided to go a whole week without listening to any music or the radio when I got in my car to head somewhere. No matter how far I was going or how quick the drive was I decided to just sit in my car and enjoy the silence. What I didn't realize was how much I was able to hear and how it helped me see more of the things around me. Silence is something I think we take for granted no matter if it's circumstances of communication with others, meditating, or simply sitting there to hear what is happening around us. I have learned that individuals who run away or are unable to embrace silence are usually trying to escape something.
Having nothing but silence during my car rides gave me a deeper understanding of my thought process and I was able to pay more attention to the things around me. This gave me a deeper and better perspective on embracing all the aspects of life we may not embrace at times. Silence is important when dealing with others because there are times when it is better to stay quiet and listen instead of rushing to make your thoughts heard. Sometimes just staying quiet may be the difference between success and failure. There are people who are uncomfortable with silence and feel it as being awkward when dealing with others but at times silence is needed in order to establish some sort of familiarity and comfortability between individuals. "A fool is often known by his speech, and a wise man by silence". There are lots of benefits of silence and I'm going to break some down. The first benefit is silence helps us concentrate and hear more.
Without all the noise around us and drama, we're able to concentrate on different tasks and hear more of what matters. We hear the things that will serve to help us improve to be our best. Silence also helps increase creativity. There are stories of Albert Einstein taking some time to himself in silence and solitude when he was struggling to finish a project or come up with the right ideas. He would take time to walk or just embrace the silence around him to help brainstorm more ideas. Silence can also be used to send a powerful message. There are individuals who come around to cause nothing but drama in our lives and not giving them the time of day or the reaction they crave sends a powerful message.
I'm know to often just ignore or just not reply to messages when individuals are trying to start arguments because it doesn't solve anything. Silence shows that what others do or the outside noise is not heard because we are fully focused on self-reflection and improving in all aspects. Last benefit of silence is the improvement of our well-being and making us more calm. Always being surrounded by noise can lead to us missing out on important moments in life but silence can help with that aspect and help us cultivate a sense of calmness and patience. This helps us tolerate the hard aspects of life. Look around you and try to find ways to find and embrace more silence.
This post was inspired by a video by Youtuber Einzelganger and an article I read about silence. These are the links to both and want to thank both for helping me write this