In life for the majority of the time we all want to have an idea of where we want to go and where we are trying to be in the future. I always say that no matter what we do God has the plan and a lot of times where we want to be is completely different than where he wants us to be. There are some times though that as humans we at least like to see ourselves at a different point than where are are in the current moment. That is the beautiful aspect of being human because due to our imagination we can imagine a world we want to be in and even though we may not get there in the end, having the imagination and being able to envision is a gift.
There are some times though that we sit down and wonder What the heck am I doing? I have being having a lot of those moments once in a while to where it’s like I know where I want to be and when I would want to be there but in the current moment sometimes I sit down and wonder what the heck am I doing? Am I doing enough? I think that is part of the beauty of life because those moments where we question things are the in between stages we all need. It is also in those in between stages that we can get ourselves back on track if we have fallen from our path.
Those moments can at times be discouraging for some but I think even getting to that moment of questioning ourselves, our decisions and where we are is needed. It also shows that we are taking the time to be in the moment and think about things which we don't do at times.