It's Christmas day today and I know most of us are celebrating time with our loved ones and cherishing those moments. We are busy focusing on the gifts we are giving and receiving, the Christmas trees, the food and of course letting the people we care about know how important how they are to us. One thing we should never forget is the importance of Christ and him being the reason for this season. We shouldn't forget the love God has for us in sending his only son to die for us and cleanse our sins.
Because of the sacrifice of Christ, sin is no more and we are not condemned for our wrongs. Through the death of Christ on the cross, we are loved by God no matter how short we fall of his standards. Nothing we do will ever stop him from loving us the way a parent loves their child. We have to always know the reason for the season and should put an emphasis on celebrating him. Celebrating Christ not just on his birthday but everyday. Knowing that without him, we are nothing. Be thankful for those around you, everything you have and most important for the love of Christ. His love is truly everlasting. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.