So today is my birthday and I just want to thank God for blessing me with another year. Throughout these couple years I can’t thank God enough for everything he continues to do for me when it comes to my health, family and others. It’s all too much to name to be honest but I just want to thank God for continuing to bless me. His grace is sufficient and I hope to continue to live in his plan and his glory in everything I do. These days in everything I do the number one thing I always seek is peace. Peace in my relationships, friendships, family, my career and others.
I have come to the point where I seek to have the right things and people around me at all times and have no problem letting go of those not. Of course as a human being I’m not perfect and I think with the growth mindset I always know there is something to be learned in every failure I can use to get better going forward. Part of me seeking peace is also reading the energy around me and knowing where I need to be and where I don’t. I recently read on a 21 year old college student getting shot for no reason after being out at 1am. The shooter and the student didn’t know each other and he basically shot him because he felt like it and said he would have shot others if he had more bullets.
Thinking about things like this is hard because that could have been me. Always out in the open but that’s just part of knowing where you need to be and where you don’t. I don't think this 21 year old would have thought something like that would happen to him when he just wanted to him fun. Condolences to all his loved ones and may he rest in peace. Some environments are not the best places to be in certain times or circumstances and I thank God for just putting me in places I need to be at the right times. I wrote a year ago on this blog about peace of mind being the greatest wealth and to me it hasn’t changed. A man with knowledge of self knows nothing can happen in his life without his permission and that is how I continue to live.
This week has included some soul searching and also celebrating some loved ones but through all this peace is at the top. I hope to continue to grow as a man and change as many lives because there is no point of living a life in which you are not impacting others and also leaving a legacy. This blog for example has never been about fame but has been about writing my thoughts on things in life and also being able to make an impact on whoever decides to read it. I want to touch the life of anyone who is able to find a way to come across it. I want the person to have learned something even if it is years from now. God bless the new age.